perm filename PINK.FAI[HAK,ROB]1 blob sn#430974 filedate 1979-04-03 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002		TITLE PINK
C00045 00003	BufIni:		 Initialize buffer area into linked list
C00047 00004	AllWho:		 Fill WhoLine records with information on all jobs
C00049 00005	AllSorts:	 Sort a WhoLine array into people, phantoms, and segments.
C00052 00006	PerSort:
C00053 00007	 executable code
C00054 ENDMK

; see also WHOPHN.FAI[S,MRC]

; ac definitions
AC1 ← 1;
AC2 ← 2;
AC3 ← 3;
AC4 ← 4;
AC5 ← 5;
P ← 17;

210←←JBTSTS	;
211←←PRJPRG	;
222←←JOBN-1	;

	SET	JobRec,0	; Job Info Record Definition
	USE	JobRec
JR.Next: BLOCK	1	; Link to next record
JR.JobN: BLOCK	1	; Job number of this record
JR.PPN:	 BLOCK	1	; Sixbit PPN for this job
JR.Stat: BLOCK	1	; Status word (from JBTSTS) for this job
JR.SWar: BLOCK	1	; Spacewar info for this job
JR.RTim: BLOCK	1	; Runtime for this job
JR.JobQ: BLOCK	1	; Current queue for this job
JR.Alia: BLOCK	1	; Sixbit Alias for this job
JR.TTY:  BLOCK	1	; Controlling TTY for this job
JR.JNam: BLOCK  1	; Sixbit Job Name for this job
JRLength ←← .		; Length of this record

; Masks for left half of words returned by a JBTSTS UUO.
RealJob	←← 40000	; The job is either a person, phantom, or segment
LogdIn	←← 10000	; The job is logged in, so it is a real person
IsSeg	←←  1000	; The job is a segment

RecBuf:	BLOCK RecLen*MaxJob	; Storage for WhoLine records

The table below  lists the contents of  some absolute locations in  the monitor.
These locations contain pointers to various system tables (such as the job table
of  login  PPNs), pointers  to  special words  (monitor  variables),  and system
parameters (such as the  highest legal job number).   Any word in memory  may be
examined by use  of either the PEEK  UUO (see page 200)  or the SETPR2  UUO (see
page 164).

To get  the address  of a particular  job's entry  in a job  table, add  the job
number to the base address of the table.


    210   JBTSTS    This is the address of  the job table of status  words.  The
                    bits in each entry are explained with the JBTSTS UUO on page

    211   PRJPRG    This is the address  of the job table  of project-programmer

    212   JBTSWP    This is the address of  the job table of swapper  data.  The
                    left  half (bits  0:17--the  777777,,0 bits)  of  each entry
                    contains 400000+the first  logical band number used  to swap
                    this  job.   Bits  18:26  (0,,777000  bits),  called IMGOUT,
                    contain the  size of  the job  (in pages)  as stored  on the
                    disk.  Bits 27:35  (0,,777 bits), called IMGIN,  contain the
                    size of  the job  (in pages) as  it will  appear when  it is
                    swapped in.

    213   SPWGO     This  is  the  address  of  the  job  table  of  P1 spacewar
                    processes.  The right  half (bits 17:35--0,,777777  bits) of
                    each entry contains  the user-specified starting  address of
                    the spacewar process.   Bits 14:17 (17,,0 bits)  contain the
                    number  of ticks  between  startups, and  bits  10:13 (36,,0
                    bits) contain  the number of  ticks until the  next startup.
                    This word  is zero  for jobs  that do  not have  P1 spacewar
                    processes running.  See Section 8.

    214   TTIME     This is the address of the job table of total run  times (in
                    ticks).  The  time for job  0 is the  null time  (idle time)
                    since the last system reload.

    215   UPTIME    This is the  address of a word  that contains the  length of
                    time in ticks since the last system reload.

    216   CORMAX    This is the address of a word that contains the largest size
                    (in words) a user program can be and still fit in core.

    217   DEVLST    This is the address of  the header word for the list  of all
                    device data blocks (DDBs).  The left half of the header word
                    contains the address of  the first DDB.  DDBs  are described
                    in Appendix 4.

    220   TTYTAB    This is the  address of the table  of pointers to  TTY DDBs.
                    Index into  this table with  the terminal line  number.  The
                    entry for a  terminal not in use  is zero.  The entry  for a
                    terminal in use contains the following information.


        0      400000,,0     COMBIT    This  bit is  on  if the  terminal  has a
                                       monitor command yet to be processed.
        1      200000,,0     DLYBIT    This  bit is  on  if the  terminal  has a
                                       delayed command yet to be processed.
        2      100000,,0     PAUSEB    This  bit is  on  if the  terminal  has a
                                       command waiting for the output  buffer to
        3      40000,,0      KILTTY    TTYSER   has  called   TTYKIL   for  this
                                       terminal  and  is through  with  the DDB,
                                       which will be released by DPYKIL when and
                                       if the DPY header is released.
        11:17  177,,0        (talk)    If the terminal  is in a talk  ring, this
                                       field  contains  the line  number  of the
                                       next  terminal in  the  ring.  Otherwise,
                                       this  field contains  the  terminal's own
                                       line number.
        18:35  0,,777777     (DDB)     This  is  the address  of  the terminal's

    221   BYTE (9) SCNNUM,DPYNUM,DDNUM,PTYNUM    These four  quantities  are the
                    numbers of 1) teletype lines, 2) III display  lines, 3) Data
                    Disc   display    lines   and    4) pseudo-teletype   lines,

    222   JOBN-1    This is the highest possible job number.

    223   CHKBEG    This is the  first location in  the checksummed part  of the

    224   JBTQ      This is the address of  the job table of entries in  the job
                    queues.  The queues are circular with each  entry containing
                    a forward pointer in  the right half and a  backward pointer
                    in the left half.  The pointers are all relative to  JBTQ: a
                    pointer that  is positive points  to another job's  entry in
                    the table; a pointer that is negative points to  the queue's
                    header  word,  which itself  is  just another  entry  in the
                    circular queue and which contains both forward  and backward
                    pointers.  The magnitude of a negative pointer indicates the
                    number of the queue the entry is in.  See also  the contents
                    of absolute locations 231, 234, and 235 below and  the queue
                    names and numbers in Appendix 5.

    225   JOBNAM    This is the address of the job table of sixbit job names.

    226   JOB       This is the  address of a word  that contains the  number of
                    the currently running job.

    227   CONFIG    This is the address of an asciz string that gives  the title
                    of the current system.

    230   SP2GO     This  is  the  address  of  the  job  table  of  P2 spacewar
                    processes.  The format of this table is the same as  that of
                    the SPWGO table; see word 213 above.

    231   JOBQUE    This is the address of the job table of queue numbers.  Each
                    entry in this table contains either the queue number  or the
                    negative of  the queue number  for the particular  job.  See
                    the queue names and numbers in Appendix 5.

    232   JBTPRI    This  is  the  address  of  the  job  table   of  calculated

    233   JBTJL     This  is  the  address  of  the  job  table  of  pointers to
                    instantaneous job load tables.

    234   NQUES     This  is the  number of  different queues.   The  queues are
                    numbered from  0 to  this number.  See  the queue  names and
                    numbers in Appendix 5.

    235   QNAMS     This is  the address of  a table of  the ascii names  of the
                    various  queues.  Index  into  this table  with  the queue's
                    number.  These names are also listed in Appendix 5.

    236   JBTLIN    This is the address of the job table of  attached terminals.
                    The entry in this table will be -1 for a detached  job.  For
                    an attached  job the  entry will  contain the  terminal line
                    number in  the right  half and  the permanent  terminal line
                    characteristics in the left half.  There may be bits  on for
                    non-permanent characteristics, but  these bits are  not kept
                    up to date in this  word.  See LINTAB in word 302  below for
                    the current line characteristics; see also the GETLIN UUO on
                    page 77.

    237   LETAB+20   This is the address of the entry for the first  III (TTY20)
                    in  the  table  of pointers  to  the  displays'  line editor
                    headers  (DPY  headers).   The  right  half  of  each  entry
                    contains  a  pointer  to the  free  storage  block  for that
                    display.  The left half holds various flags used by the line
                    editor.  When  a display is  not in use,  its entry  here is
                    zero.  Index into LETAB with a terminal's line number.

    240   JBTJLH    This is the address of the job table of oldest job loading.

    241   STATS     This is the address of a table of system statistics.

    242   JBTGSL    This is the address  of the job table of  guaranteed service

    243   STATLEN   This is the length of the STATS table of system statistics.

    244   STATPTR   This is the address  of a byte pointer into the  STATS table
                    of system statistics.

    245   STATNUM   This is the address of a word containing the number of times
                    the STATS table has been filled.

    246   INTIME    This is the address of a word containing the number of ticks
                    (one  tick=1/60th  of  a second)  the  system  has  spent at
                    interrupt level since the system has been up.

    247   STBEG     This is the address of another table of system statistics.

    250   JBTKCJ    This is  the address of  the job table  of kilo-core-jiffies
                    (KCJs) used by each job.   A jiffie is a tick,  i.e., 1/60th
                    of a second.  One KCJ represents a job running for  one tick
                    with 1K of core.

    251   JBTBTM    This is the address of  the job table of login  times.  Each
                    entry  in this  table contains  the date  and time  when the
                    particular  job logged  in, with  the date  (in  system date
                    format)  in the  left half  and the  time (in  seconds after
                    midnight) in the right half.

    252   DQCNT     This is the address of a word containing the number  of disk
                    operations waiting to be started.

    253   TTYLOK    This is  the address  of a word  used as  a flag  to prevent
                    users from typing anything on their terminals.

    254   MAINTMODE   This is the address of  a word used as a flag  to indicate
                    that system maintenance is going on.

    255   CORPTR    This is address of a block of words describing the  state of
                    the swapper.  The  first 4 words  are 0, FINISH,  FORCE, and

    256   LASTDISASTERTIME   This is the address of a word containing the system
                    uptime when the last disaster occurred.

    257             (unused)

    260   STEND2    This is the address of the last word in the table  of system
                    statistics beginning at STBEG (see above).

    261             (unused)

    262   EXPMOD    This is the  address of a  word used as  a flag to  LOGIN to
                    type out the file X.TXT[2,2].

    263             (unused)

    264   FSRPQ     This is the address of a table containing the number of free
                    storage requests by size.

    265   SYSTOP    This is  the address  of a word  that contains  the physical
                    address  of  the first  word  after the  system  (where free
                    storage begins).

    266   CORTAB    This is the address of  a table that indicates the  usage of
                    each page of  core.  There is one  word per core  page.  The
                    interesting part of each word is a 9-bit byte in  bits 18:26
                    (0,,777000  bits).  This  field  for a  given  page contains
                    either 1) the number of the job occupying the page, 2) a 101
                    if the page is part of  the system, 3) a 103 if the  page is
                    non-existant, 4) a 105 if the page is part of  free storage,
                    5) a 110 if the page is a page map, or 6) a 0 if the page is

    267   NOLOGIN   This  is the address  of a  word used as  a flag  to prevent
                    anyone from logging in.

    270   PTYJOB    This   is   the  address   of   the  table   of   owners  of
                    pseudo-teletypes (PTYs).  Each entry contains the  number of
                    the job that owns that PTY.  Index into this table  with the
                    PTY line number minus 121.

    271   JBTPRV    This is the address of the job table of active privileges.

    272   UCLLEN*1000+UCLDLN,,UCLTAB    The  right half  of  this  word contains
                    UCLTAB  which is  the address  of the  CALL UUO  name table.
                    This table is made up of two parts.  The first  UCLDLN words
                    contain the names of  DEC CALLs, and the  next UCLLEN-UCLDLN
                    words  contain  the  names  of  the  special  Stanford CALLs
                    (numbers  from 400000  up).  Thus  the total  length  of the
                    table is UCLLEN,  which is in  bits 0:8 (777000,,0  bits) of
                    word 272; the length of the first part of the table, UCLDLN,
                    is in bits 9:17 (777,,0  bits) of word 272.  The  CALL names
                    within  each  part  are in  their  expected  order  by CALLI

    273   DSKPPN    This is the address of the job table of Disk PPNs (ALIASes).
                    If a  job has  no ALIAS, its  entry in  this table  is zero.
                    Disk PPNs are explained on page 20.

    274   FTIME     This is the address  of the job table containing  each job's
                    time last run.  Each  entry contains the date and  time when
                    the particular job  was last run,  with the date  (in system
                    date format) in the left half and the time (in seconds after
                    midnight) in the right half.

    275   NJOBS     This is the address of  the job table that gives  the number
                    of users  for each upper  segment.  Each entry  contains the
                    number of jobs attached  to the given upper  segment.  Index
                    into this table with the upper segment's job number.

    276   DSKOPS    This is the address  of the job table containing  the number
                    of disk operations each job  has done.  The entry for  job 0
                    is the total number of disk operations since the  system was

    277   INITIM    This is  the address of  a word that  contains the  date and
                    time of the  last system reload.   The date (in  system date
                    format) is in the left  half and the time (in  seconds after
                    midnight) is in the right half.

    300   -DISPL,,COMTAB    COMTAB  is  the  address  of  the  table  of monitor
                    commands  names  in  sixbit,  and  DISPL  is  the  number of
                    commands in that table.

    301             (unused)

    302   LINTAB    This  is  the  address   of  the  table  of   terminal  line
                    characteristics.  Each entry in this table corresponds  to a
                    particular  terminal.  The  terminal's  line characteristics
                    are in the left half (see the GETLIN UUO on page 77  for the
                    meanings of these  bits).  The right  half is used  to store
                    ESCAPE/BREAK  arguments (for  terminals that  are displays).
                    Index into this table with terminal's line number.

    303   ASTAB     This is  the address of  the audio switch  connection table.
                    There is  a word here  for each III  and Data  Disc display;
                    index into this table  with the display's line  number minus
                    20.  The data in each entry of this table is as follows (for
                    more details about the audio switch, see Section 4.9):


        0      400000,,0     One if a UUO is waiting for a  temporary connection
                             to finish on this display.
        1      200000,,0     One  if  the  current  connection  is  a  temporary
        2      100000,,0     One  if a  page interruption  is happening  at this
        3      40000,,0      One if a delayed beep is pending.
        4      20000,,0      One  if the  permanent  audio channel  is  not page
        5      10000,,0      One   if  the   permanent  channel   is   not  beep
        6:7    6000,,0       Beep disposition for temporary channel.
        8:9    1400,,0       Page disposition for temporary channel.
        10:13  360,,0        Temporary channel number.
        14:17  17,,0         Permanent channel number.
        18:35  0,,777777     Remaining duration  of temporary connection  (0 for

    304   JB2PRV    This is the  address of the  job table of  passive privilege

    305   -LFTLEN,,LFTTAB   This word  contains the number (LFTLEN)  and address
                    (LFTTAB) of the table of left-half privilege bits  and their
                    names.   Each entry  in this  table is  of the  form <sixbit
                    name>,,<half-word bit value>.

    306   -RHTLEN,,RHTTAB   This word  contains the number (RHTLEN)  and address
                    (RHTTAB) of the table of right-half privilege bits and their
                    names.   Each entry  in this  table is  of the  form <sixbit
                    name>,,<half-word bit value>.

    307   JBTSIN    This is the address of the job table of entries in  the list
                    of jobs to be swapped in.

    310   JBTGLU    This is the address of  the job table of cells used  to mark
                    jobs which must not be swapped out.

    311   JOBNM1    This is the address of a word containing the current maximum
                    number of jobs the system can support.

    312   DDFCNT    This is the address of a word containing the number  of Data
                    Disc channels that are currently available.

    313   DSTBLN,,DSTBUF   This  word contains the  length (DSTBLN)  and address
                    (DSTBUF) of a table of statistics for the disk.

    314   COMWHO    This is  the address of the  first of several words  used to
                    hold  the  system   wholine  in  ascid   representation  for
                    displaying.  The system wholine ends with a CR and LF.

    315   NPARIN    This is the address of  a word which contains the  number of
                    parity  errors detected  with indeterminate  locations.  The
                    word at  NPARIN-1 is  called NPARER  and contains  the total
                    number of parity errors detected.

    316   JBTMAP    This is  the address of  the job table  of pointers  to each
                    job's page map.

    317   XMSET     This points  to 9  words of XGP  default settings  for TMAR,
                    PMAR, BMAR, LMAR,  RMAR, XLINES, XTNODE, XVNODE  and XGPBLN.
                    (XGPBLN is not settable by users.)

    320   RTRHCT    This points to a table of error counts for the disk per head
                    per pack.

    321   TBLKPT,,TPJMP   Offsets within the piece of paper control block.

    322   DPHPOS,,PPCALL   Offsets within the piece of paper control block.

    323   PPRJMP,,PPNO   Offsets within the piece of paper control block.

    324   JBTPAG    This is the  address of the job  table of core  image sizes.
                    The left half of each entry contains the size of the  job in
                    pages; the right half contains the number of pages  that are
                    above FSLIMIT.

                    Core is divided into three major parts, which are,  in order
                    of physical addresses (lowest first):  SYSTEM, FREE STORAGE,
                    USERS.  The system part occupies a fixed amount of  core (in
                    a  given  version),  and its  ending  address  is  stored in
                    SYSTOP.  Free storage grows and shrinks as more or less core
                    is  needed,  and  its ending  address  is  stored  in FSTOP.
                    (SYSPAG and FSPAG contain page rather than word  versions of
                    the same  ending addresses.)  It  does not matter  where the
                    256K word  boundary is, as  long as it  is after the  end of
                    free storage.  User core is everything after FSTOP.  If free
                    storage needs to expand,  then the user at FSTOP  is swapped
                    out.  If  a job were  locked in core  at FSTOP he  might get
                    swapped out.  To get around this, user core is  divided into
                    two  regions,  high and  low,  which are  exactly  the same,
                    except  that locked  jobs exist  completely within  the high
                    region.  The dividing line between the high and  low regions
                    is called FSLIMIT and is set big enough so that free storage
                    will never get  that big.  The process  of locking a  job in
                    core involves first checking to see if it is entirely in the
                    high region.  If it is,  the JLOCK bit is set in  JBTSTS and
                    the  job is  considered  locked.  If  not, then  the  job is
                    swapped out  and the  LOKSWP bit is  set instead.   This bit
                    indicates to the swapper  that the job must be  swapped into
                    the high region.  The job  will be swapped in when  there is
                    enough high region core available for it and then the LOKSWP
                    bit will be turned off and the JLOCK bit turned on.

    325   MTRLST    This is the  address of the first  word of a linked  list of
                    meter control blocks used by the system when the performance
                    meter is in "background" mode.

    326   SKIPP1    This is an I/O instruction to execute which will skip  if it
                    is executed on processor 1 (P1).

    327   SKIPP2    This is an I/O instruction to execute which will skip  if it
                    is executed on processor 2 (P2).

    330   LEBUF     Offset within the DPY header of the line editor buffer.

    331   LDSHF*1000+LDPWR,,LDAVG    LDAVG  contains  the  current  load average
                    multiplied by 2↑(LDPWR+LDSHF).  The load average  is updated
                    every  60th of  a second  by adding  the following  value to
                    LDAVG:  Q * 2↑LDSHF  -  OLD.LDAVG * 2↑(-LDPWR),  where  Q is
                    the instantaneous  number of  jobs in the  RUNQ and  TQ, and
                    OLD.LDAVG is  the previous value  in LDAVG.  Thus,  the load
                    average is  the smoothed  average of the  number of  jobs in
                    RUNQ or TQ, where the smoothing period is 2↑LDPWR 60ths of a

    332   DDQSIZ    This is  the address of  a word containing  the size  of the
                    queue of terminals waiting for Data Disc channels.

    333   DDQREQ,,LSTESC    LSTESC  is  a  table  with  one  word  per terminal.
                    Contained in  LSTESC are the  Data Disc channel  wait queue,
                    the last escape  command typed on each  (physical) terminal,
                    and the physical terminal "responsible" for each logical TTY
                    line.  The responsible terminal is the last terminal to type
                    a character  (while mapped) to  the given logical  TTY line.
                    To find  the terminal  responsible for  a logical  TTY line,
                    index into LSTESC with the logical TTY line number  and pick
                    up  a byte  from  the indexed  word with  the  byte position

    334   LEPOS     Offset within  the DPY  header of  the line  editor position
                    word.   If  the  line  editor  for  this  display  has  been
                    positioned by an LEYPOS UUO, then the sign-bit of  this word
                    will be on  and the position of  the line editor  (in LEYPOS
                    format, see page 131) will be the two's complement  value in
                    bits 11:21 (177,,740000) of this word.

    335   VDTIE     This is the table that tells what Data Disc line number each
                    TV monitor (Data Disc display) is tied to.  Index  into this
                    table  with  the  TV monitor  number  minus  26.   The entry
                    contains the line number  that the given TV monitor  is tied
                    to, or zero if the TV monitor is untied.  See the VDSMAP UUO
                    on  page  152  for  an explanation  of  tied  and  untied TV
BufIni:		; Initialize buffer area into linked list
    This procedure will turn a block of uninitialized storage into a linked
    list of 'WhoLine' records.  The link word of each record points to the
    next.  The last record of the list has a null(0) link word.
    The job number for the corresponding record is also initialized.
    AC1:	pointer to first word of array to be initialized
    AC1:	pointer to first record of linked list
    AC1:	Pointer to Previous record under consideration
    AC2:	Pointer to Current record under consideration
    AC3:	Current job # under consideration

	PUSH	P,AC1		;
	PUSH	P,AC2		;
	PUSH	P,AC3		;

	MOVEI	AC3,LoJob	; Initialize MaxJob records
	MOVE	AC2,AC1		; This ← first record
	JRST	BufEntr		; jump into loop
Bufloop:			; 
	MOVE	AC1,AC2		;   Prev ← This
	ADDI	AC2,RecLen	;   point to next record
	MOVEM	AC2,Next(AC1)	;   point Next(Prev) to This
BufEntr:			;
	SETZM	,Next(AC2)	;   clear Next(This)
	MOVEM	AC3,JobN(AC2)	;   set JobNumber for this record
	AOJ	AC3,		;   next job
	CAIG	AC3,HiJob	;   until all jobs done
	JRST	Bufloop		;

	POP	P,AC3		;
	POP	P,AC2		;
	POP	P,AC1		;

AllWho:		; Fill WhoLine records with information on all jobs
    This procedure will fill up a linked list of WhoLine records with information
    on all jobs.  
    AC1:	pointer to first record of a linked list of WhoLine records
    each record filled with appropriate job info
    AC1:	pointer to Current record under consideration
    AC2:	Current job under consideration
    AC3:	general bit slinging

	PUSH	P,AC1		;
	PUSH	P,AC2		;
	PUSH	P,AC3		;
Allloop:			; 
	MOVE	AC2,JobN(AC1)	;   fetch job number of this record
	MOVE	AC3,AC2		;
	JBTSTS	AC3,		;   fetch job status word for current job
	MOVEM	AC3,Stat(AC1)	;   and store in Stat field of current record
	HRRZ	AC3,AC1		;
	ADDI	AC3,Text	;   set pointer to text field of current record
	HRL	AC3,AC2		;   left half gets job #
	WHO	AC3,		;   fetch wholine text for current job

	MOVE	AC1,Next(AC1)	;   next record
	JUMPN	AC1,Allloop	;   until at end of list

	POP	P,AC3		;
	POP	P,AC2		;
	POP	P,AC1		;
AllSorts:	; Sort a WhoLine array into people, phantoms, and segments.
    This procedure will process the information found in a wholine array
    (as filled by the AllWho routine), and return with pointers to three
    linked lists within the array: a list of people logged in, a list of
    pantom jobs, and a list of upper segments.

    AC1:	pointer to first record of a linked list of WhoLine records
    AC1:	pointer to first record of a linked list of people
    AC2:	pointer to first record of a linked list of phantoms
    AC3:	pointer to first record of a linked list of upper segments
    AC4:	pointer to Current record under consideration

	PUSH	P,AC4		;
	PUSH	P,AC5		;
	MOVE	AC4,AC1		; look at first record
SortLoop:		; 
	MOVE	AC5,Stat(AC4)	; fetch job status
	TLNE	AC5,RealJob	; is it a job at all?
	JRST	NextJob		;   no - skip it
	TLNE	AC5,LogdIn	; is it logged in?
	JRST	NotHuman	;  no - its not a human
GotPerson:		; this one is a real live human's job
	MOVEI	AC2,1		;
	JRST	NextJob		; go look at next job
NotHuman:		; Either a segment or a pantom
	TLNE	AC5,IsSeg	; is it a segment?
	JRST	GotFantom	;   no - it is a segment
GotSegment:		; this one is a segment
	JRST	NextJob		; go look at next job
GotFantom:		; this one is a phantom, sort onto Fantom list
	JRST	NextJob		; go look at next job
	MOVE	AC4,Next(AC4)	; This ← NEXT(This)
	JUMPN	SortLoop	; Loop until entire list has been scanned

	POP	P,AC5		;
	POP	P,AC4		;
	POPJ	P,		;

	MOVE	AC1,Jobn(AC4)

	MOVE	AC1,Jobn(AC4)

	MOVE	AC1,Jobn(AC4)

; executable code

	MOVE	P,pdlptr	;
	MOVEI	AC1,RecBuf	; 
	PUSHJ	P,BufIni	; Initialize the FS region
;	MOVEI	AC1,RecBuf	; 
	PUSHJ	P,AllWho	; Gather information on all the jobs
;	MOVEI	AC1,RecBuf	; 
	PUSHJ	P,AllSorts	; Sort the records into people, phantoms, and Devos

	END start